import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numba import cuda
from stardist.models import StarDist2D
from csbdeep.utils import normalize
import tensorflow as tf
from packaging import version
import os
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from tqdm import tqdm
os.environ['CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING'] = '1'
class Segmentation:
def __init__(self, img, spot_center: np.ndarray, out_dir: str = '', prob_thresh: float = 0.2,
nms_thresh: float = 0.5, spot_radius: float = 36.5, n_tiles=(8, 8, 1)):
img (numpy.ndarray):. Three channel stained image. In default, it should be hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained
spot_center: Coordinates of the center of the spots.
out_dir: Output directory.
Prob_thresh, nms_thresh: Two thresholds used in Stardist. User should adjust these two threshold based on
the segmentation results.
spot_radius: Radius of the spots. In 10X Visium, it should be 36.5.
n_tiles: Out of memory (OOM) errors can occur if the input image is too large. To avoid this problem, the
input image is broken up into (overlapping) tiles that are processed independently and re-assembled.
(Copied from stardist document). In default, we break the image into 8*8 tiles.
self.img = img
if spot_center is not None:
assert spot_center.shape[1] == 2, "spot_center must have exact two columns."
self.spot_center = np.array(spot_center)
self.prob_thresh = prob_thresh
self.nms_thresh = nms_thresh
self.spot_radius = spot_radius
if out_dir and not os.path.exists(out_dir):
self.out_dir = out_dir + '/' if out_dir else ''
# Segmentation results
self.label, self.nucleus_boundary, self.probability = None, None, None
self.n_cell_df = None
self.nucleus_df = None
self.is_segmented = False # Whether we have conducted segmentation or not.
self.n_tiles = n_tiles
if version.parse(tf.__version__) >= version.parse("2.9.0"):
tf.keras.Model.predict = change_predict_defaults(tf.keras.Model.predict)
print(f"Suppress the output of tensorflow prediction for tensorflow version {tf.version.VERSION}>=2.9.0.")
def stardist_2D_versatile_he(img, prob_thresh: float = 0.2, nms_thresh: float = 0.5, n_tiles=(8, 8, 1),
verbose: bool = True):
"""Segmentation function provided by Stardist.
img: Three channel image.
nms_thresh: Parameter of non-maximum suppression.
prob_thresh: The probability threshold that determines the retention of a nucleus.
n_tiles: Out of memory (OOM) errors can occur if the input image is too large. To avoid this problem, the
input image is broken up into (overlapping) tiles that are processed independently and re-assembled.
(Copied from stardist document). In default, we break the image into 8*8 tiles.
verbose: Whether to print segmentation progress.
There are two returns.
np.ndarray: The segmented image. Background pixels has value 0 and nucleus pixels has
the positive integer value as the index of the nucleus.
list: Nucleus details. Details[0]: np.ndarray(n_nucleus*2*32). Boundaries of each nucleus. Details[1]:
np.ndarray(n_nucleus*2). Center of each nucleus. Details[2]: np.ndarray(n_nucleus). Probability that a
segmented nucleus is indeed a nucleus.
axis_norm = (0, 1, 2) # normalize channels jointly
img = normalize(img, 1, 99.8, axis=axis_norm)
model = StarDist2D.from_pretrained('2D_versatile_he')
label, details = model.predict_instances(img, nms_thresh=nms_thresh, prob_thresh=prob_thresh, n_tiles=n_tiles,
device = cuda.get_current_device()
return label, details
def n_cell_in_spot(nucleus_center: np.ndarray, spot_center: np.ndarray, spot_radius: float,
nucleus_df: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Find the number of cells in each spot.
If the center of a nucleus is inside the spot, we assume that the cell is in the spot.
nucleus_center: np.ndarray(n_nucleus*2). Coordinates of the nucleus centers.
spot_center: np.ndarray(n_spot*2). Coordinates of the spot centers.
spot_radius: Radius of the spots.
nucleus_df: Optional, dataframe of the nucleus.
Pandas data frame with two columns. Column 'cell_count' represents the number of cells in a spot.
Column 'centers' represents the coordinates of the nucleus centers.
n_spot = len(spot_center)
n_cell_df = pd.DataFrame({'cell_count': [0] * n_spot, 'Nucleus centers': None, 'Nucleus indices':None})
distance = np.sum((spot_center[:, :, np.newaxis] - nucleus_center.T) ** 2, axis=1)
if nucleus_df is not None:
nucleus_df['in_spot'] = False
for i in range(n_spot):
nucleus_index = np.where(distance[i] < spot_radius ** 2)[0]
n_cell_df.iloc[i, 0] = len(nucleus_index)[i, 'Nucleus centers'] = nucleus_center[nucleus_index] if len(nucleus_index) else np.array([])[i, 'Nucleus indices'] = nucleus_index
if nucleus_df is not None:
nucleus_df.loc[nucleus_index, 'in_spot'] = True
return n_cell_df
def segment_nucleus(self, save=True):
"""Conduct the segmentation using StarDist pretrained model.
save: Whether to save the segmentation results.
self.label, details = self.stardist_2D_versatile_he(self.img, nms_thresh=self.nms_thresh,
prob_thresh=self.prob_thresh, n_tiles=self.n_tiles)
nucleus_boundary, nucleus_center, self.probability = details['coord'], details['points'], details['prob']
nucleus_boundary = np.transpose(nucleus_boundary, [0, 2, 1])
self.nucleus_boundary = nucleus_boundary[:, :, [1, 0]]
self.nucleus_df = pd.DataFrame({'x': nucleus_center[:, 1], 'y': nucleus_center[:, 0]})
self.n_cell_df = self.n_cell_in_spot(self.nucleus_df[['x', 'y']].values, self.spot_center, self.spot_radius,
self.is_segmented = True
if save:
def save_results(self):
"""Save segmentation results.
assert self.is_segmented, "Please conduct segmentation first."'{self.out_dir}segmentation_label.npy', self.label)'{self.out_dir}segmentation_boundary.npy', self.nucleus_boundary)'{self.out_dir}nucleus_df.csv', self.nucleus_df)'{self.out_dir}segmentation_probability.npy', self.probability)
def plot(self, fig_size=(10, 4.5), dpi=300, crop=None, cmap_segmented='hot', save=False, path=None):
"""Plot the segmentation results.
It is recommended to adjust the stardist parameters nms_thresh and prob_thresh based on this plot.
fig_size: Size of the figure.
dpi: Dots per inch (DPI) of the figure.
crop: If None, show the full image. Otherwise, crop should be
cmap_segmented: Color map of the segmented image.
save: If true, save the figure.
path: Path to the save figure.
assert self.is_segmented, "Please conduct segmentation first."
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=fig_size, dpi=dpi)
if crop is None:
img = self.img
img_segmented = self.label
img = self.img[crop[0]:crop[1], crop[2]:crop[3]]
img_segmented = self.label[crop[0]:crop[1], crop[2]:crop[3]]
ax[0].set_title("Original image")
ax[1].imshow(img_segmented, cmap=cmap_segmented)
ax[1].set_title("Segmented image")
if save:
plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight')
def change_predict_defaults(predict_function):
"""Wrap prediction function for tensorflow>=2.9.0 to reduce outputs.
Start from tensorflow 2.9.0, the default verbose value in function tensorflow.keras.Model.predict is set to 'auto',
which takes value 1 for the most of the time. Thus, this function is a decorator to wrap the predict function
and set the default verbose to 0.
predict_function: tensorflow.keras.Model.predict
def wrapper(instance, x, verbose=0, **kwargs):
return predict_function(instance, x, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def cell_boundary(nucleus_location, img_size, max_dist, max_area, search_direction, verbose=0, delta=1):
Infer the cell boundary.
nucleus_location: Coordinates of the nucleus centers.
img_size: The size of the image.
max_dist: The largest distance from the cell boundary to the nucleus center.
max_area: Largest area of a cell. Segmented nuclei with size larger than this value are discarded.
search_direction: The search direction when determine the cell boundary.
verbose: Whether to print progress.
delta: Increment of the radius in each round.
Dictionary of the cell boundary information.
img_cell = np.zeros(img_size)
n_nuclei = len(nucleus_location)
n_pixel = [0] * n_nuclei
nuclei_left = set(range(1, n_nuclei+1))
radius = 0
while nuclei_left and radius < max_dist:
radius += delta
if verbose:
print('r: '+str(radius)+'\tThere are ' + str(len(nuclei_left)) + ' nuclei left.')
pixel_check = []
for dx in range(-radius-1, radius+2):
for dy in range(-radius-1, radius+2):
if (radius-delta)**2 <= dx**2+dy**2 <= radius**2:
pixel_check += [[dx, dy]]
nuclei_remove = set()
for i in nuclei_left:
border_temp = []
c_y = int(nucleus_location[i-1, 0])
c_x = int(nucleus_location[i-1, 1])
flag = True # Whether the expended space are all occupied by background or other cells.
for dx, dy in pixel_check:
x1 = c_x + dx
y1 = c_y + dy
if 0 <= x1 <= img_cell.shape[0]-1 and 0 <= y1 <= img_cell.shape[1]-1 and dx**2+dy**2 <= radius**2:
if img_cell[x1, y1] == 0:
img_cell[x1, y1] = i
border_temp += [[x1, y1]]
if img_cell[x1, y1] == i:
flag = False
n_pixel[i-1] += len(border_temp)
if n_pixel[i-1] > max_area or (len(border_temp) == 0 and flag):
for i in nuclei_remove:
img_cell_boundaries = np.zeros((img_cell.shape[0], img_cell.shape[1], 3))
individual_boundary = {i:[] for i in range(n_nuclei+1)}
# for x in tqdm(range(len(img_cell))):
# for y in range(len(img_cell[0])):
# idx = img_cell[x, y]
# for k in range(len(search_direction)):
# x1, y1 = x + search_direction[k][0], y + search_direction[k][1]
# if 0 <= x1 <= img_cell.shape[0]-1 and 0 <= y1 <= img_cell.shape[1]-1 and img_cell[x1, y1] != idx:
# img_cell_boundaries[x, y] = [150, 150, 150]
# individual_boundary[idx] += [[x, y]]
# break
search_direction = np.array(search_direction)
boundary_img = np.zeros_like(img_cell)
for dx, dy in tqdm(search_direction):
d = max([abs(dx), abs(dy)])
kernel = np.zeros((2*d+1, 2*d+1))
kernel[dy+d, dx+d] = 1
kernel[d, d] = -1
convolved = convolve2d(img_cell, kernel, mode='same')
boundary_img += np.where(convolved != 0, 1, 0)
img_cell_boundaries[boundary_img > 0] = [150, 150, 150]
# for i in tqdm(range(n_nuclei+1)):
# y, x = np.where((img_cell == i) & (boundary_img > 0))
# individual_boundary[i] += list(zip(x, y))
for x in tqdm(range(len(img_cell))):
for y in range(len(img_cell[0])):
if boundary_img[x, y] > 0:
individual_boundary[img_cell[x, y]] += [[x, y]]
img_cell_boundaries = img_cell_boundaries.astype(np.int32)
individual_boundary = {i: np.array(individual_boundary[i]) for i in range(n_nuclei+1)}
d = {'img_cell': img_cell, 'cell_boundary': img_cell_boundaries, 'size': n_pixel,
'individual_boundary': individual_boundary}
return d
def add_boundary(img, boundary):
img = img.copy()
assert img.shape[:2] == boundary.shape[:2]
for i in range(len(img)):
for j in range(len(img[0])):
if boundary[i, j, 0] > 0:
img[i, j] = [50, 50, 50]
return img