Pre-requested R packages

R version >= 3.6.0

The following is a description of the dependent R packages, mainly to help developers better understand the code in NetBID2.

The users does not need to digest the information below.

R package Functions1 Category Purpose
Biobase - Data processing ExpressionSet class
GEOquery getGEO Data processing Get expression dataset from GEO database
limma - Data processing Expression data normalization
impute impute.knn Data processing Data imputation
tximport Data processing Data import  
DESeq2 DESeqDataSetFromTximport,DESeq Data processing Data import from txi and normalization for RNASeq data
ConsensusClusterPlus - Clustering Get consensus clustering results
aricode clustComp Clustering For cluster comparison statistic calculation
igraph - Visualization Igraph class and basic network-based calculation
RColorBrewer brewer.pal Visualization Get color bar
plot3D scatter3D Visualization 3D plot
plotrix draw.ellipse Visualization Drawing ellipse
umap umap Visualization Data dimension reduction and visualization
ComplexHeatmap Heatmap Visualization Heatmap drawing
plotly - Visualization For interactive plot
ordinal clm,clmm bid Cumulative link mixed models
MCMCglmm MCMCglmm bid Multivariate generalized linear mixed models
arm bayesglm bid Bayesian generalized linear models
reshape melt bid Melt an object into a form suitable for easy casting
biomaRt - ID conversion ID conversion
GSVA gsva Gene Set Gene set activity calculation
msigdbr - Gene Set MSigDB database
openxlsx - IO Output into EXCEL file (master table)
rhdf5 H5Fopen,H5Fclose IO For hd5 formation data processing (MICA)
rmarkdown render Report For generating HTML report file
kableExtra - Report For table layout in the report file
  1. ’-‘ in the Function column represents multiple functions in the package were used in NetBID2.